What I Wore :
Blue dress from ASOS - on sale right now!
Black tights from Yours Clothing
Black Cardigan from South - old
Gold metallic belt from ASOS - on sale!
Gold bead necklace - eBay
Gold bird necklace - eBay
Purse - Christmas gift from my dad
Let's hope it's a great 2012. I have a lot of plans - try to get my nerves together and apply to a school - not that hard. But the fact that it's in another country is hard. I don't want to move but when you live in a country where the population is about 48.000 people you don't have too many educations to choose from. I want to be better at posting photos on here - I will be better at providing better photos with better lighting. I want to try to wear less black and blue. I am going to clean out my closet! Before the end of February - now I have a date so I have to stick to it! ;)
What are your plans for the new year?
Happy New Year, I hope all your plans and wishes will come true!